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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

AR Test & Hating Math

Alexis did a wonderful job on her last AR reading test covering the comprehension of, A Bed For Winter.   By the way, she made 100%.   She has since, started a new reader, Captain Pepper's Pets. This book is more challenging with a bigger vocabulary.

Alexis has been struggling with math.  Sometimes she gets it, most of the time she just can't grasp the concept.  We are experimenting with different ways to teach math to her.  I know it's going to click soon for her.  One day  everything will start to make sense for her and she will just "get it".  Alexis has also been learning word problems, the human skelton, different types of deserts, how to read a map legend and counting coins.   A 1st grader definitely learns a lot these days.

Monday, January 25, 2010

1st Half

The 1st half of 1st grade has come and gone; quickly I might add.  Alexis just finished up reading, Mr. Cool, one of her buddy readers.  She really enjoyed this book.   We worked really hard reading it each night and mom helped question her on the happenings of this book so that Alexis would be prepared for her AR Test.  She is now starting a new buddy book called, A Bed For Winter by Karen Wallace. 

Alexis and her classmates also finished up their study on China.  Throughout their study, they received a pair of chopsticks, some chinese candy, a handheld Chinese fan and made a visit to a Chinese restuarant, Garden Buffet.  Alexis realized that she likes Chinese food and wants to eat there again, soon! 

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mr Cool

This is the new, reading book Alexis is starting on for the start of the second half of 1st grade. After returning from Christmas break, mom was proud that she read very well the 1st night back to homework as we buddy read together. Londyn has been having a hard time during homework so Alexis and I have to lock ourselves into the bedroom so we can have some peace and quiet.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

  1. Here are the fun books Alexis has been reading the 1st quarter of school. Each night we buddy read; she reads the book and mom and dad help her with the words she doesn't know yet!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Alexis The Power Ranger Girl

Alexis The Power Ranger Girl

It was extremely tough to find Alexis the perfect costume this year. She is not a girly, girl and she doesn't like princess themed ANYTHING! She didn't like any of the costumes at Wal-Mart or Target, so we went online and she picked out the pink Power Ranger Girl costume. She was so indecisive about whether or not to get the yellow one (which she really, really liked) or the pink one, because she was worried the girls at school might make fun of her. She made her decision on Sunday evening and her party was the following Thursday. I placed the order and even had it shipped 3-day expedited delivery. Wednesday came and we were in a panic that the costume would not be delivered. So, Craig ended up taking Alexis all over town to look for another costume; they came home with a sword to go with last years Elizabeth Swan Princess Pirate costume that I was going to have to accessorize. On their way home, I decided to check the front porch, one more time, and to my surprise her Power Ranger Costume had been delivered and the school party the next day was saved! As you can see, she was very excited to be going to school today:)